Meditation,Zen,Mindfulness,Healing,[Voice Healing]をYoutubeにアップしました。

Performed by Johanna Yukiko Haneda & Maksim Velichkin
Johanna Yukiko Haneda and Maksim Velichkin first met in 2012 . While Johanna was performing improvisation solo a cappella on stage, Maksim suddenly came up on stage and start playing cello together. Their organic improvisation style is just like conversation

12/22/2019 Sunday at Blue Whale Improvisation live performance Johanna Yukiko Haneda Vocal Maksim Velichkin Piano Blue Whale. Located in the Little Tokyo neighborhood of Los Angeles, bluewhale offers the best live music for all music lovers 123 Astronaut E S Onizuka St, Ste 301 Los Angeles, California 90012
Camera by Tony Laudati Edit by Hikaru Haneda
ステージで即興で歌うジョハナに、突然、マキシムがチェロで参加した事が最初の二人の出会いでした。 この二人のオーガニックな即興音楽は、会話のように紡ぎ出されていきます。

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